So.....Rae starts coming online AFTER I leave for Belize XP
Her timing's almost as bad as mine is.
I'll quote first
Intensely. Good word *writes that down* See, one of my problems I have when I write is that I end up writing the same scenes over and over in all of my stories, more or less, because I always use the same words. I need more variety
*grins* I'm back
That it will. I think I have to wait til tomorrow, though, considering it's 12 am on a Sunday morning. So, I'll have to wait until today, actually. It'll probably be 12:30 at least when I'm done writing this
Now for my actual pub time:
*flies in and looks around. shirt is a little crooked and hair is a mess. has a duffel bag and backpack AND a suitcase with another suitcase nested inside of it* I'M...........*drops everything* back.
If I came on when I got home, it would've been just a half hour after Liz left. More or less *sighs and falls onto a couch*
Okay, here's the basic synopsis of my trip. We went to Belize, did snorkeling, saw dolphins and stuff, did some humanitarian work and drove around the entire country. We weren't used to the roads, though, and there were a lot of speed bumps. My dad slowed down right when he got to them, but when we were just about to go over them, he stopped slowing down and drove right over them. So he kinda slowed down for nothing.
I haven't typed in a week and a day, and it feels really weird.
Anyway, we did all that, and yesterday (technically) we had a flight at 11:20 to Houston. We got there, and then we saw that our flight to Boston was in an hour. We got in line to check in (me, my sister, my mom, and my dad), and the line was at least twenty of those theme park-styled rows with the rops set up and everything. My mom and dad kept saying we'd have to overnight it because the line was so long, but I just kept saying "Guys, don't say we're missing our flight until the plane's in the air and we aren't on it. Until that happens, we're definitely making this flight."
I can be optimistic when I need to be. In fact, that's the only time I m optimistic. I'm too optimistic then. Does the word optimistic sound weird yet?
Okay, anyway, we get through and make it through the line, and I keep saying "We gotta run" and my mom was saying it too, then all of a sudden she sees someone who can help her with a business program and starts talking to him. My sister and I are staring at her with our mouths open, because our flight is scheduled to leave in twenty minutes and we still have bags to find, then check in again, then carry-on luggage to check, then the gate to get to. And she's just talking. So, my sister and I walk ahead, gather all the luggage off the belt, and manage to get the family moving again. when checked the bags back in, got our carry-on stuff checked, and it was goin pretty well. They made us take our shoes off when we went through the metal detector, and we didn't bother putting them back on (I had half my foot in a sandal, and the other sandal was in my hand, and I was running through an airport with my family. funny, funny sight).
So, we look on the screens, and our flight's been taken off the list. bad sign. we start running, and my mom sees this guy on one of those nifty carts that go ten times as fast as we could just walking, especially with my dad. so my mom told me to run ahead because she had heels on and flag the guy down. which i did. he said he wasn't going in the direction of our gate, but my mom and i managed to convince him to take us there. we had to find my dad, who didn't even know what we were doing and was walking ahead. It was a long way to go, but we finally got to our gate and boarded the plane. Thank. God. The flight had been shceduled to leave at 4:10. The next flight was 7:30. In the morning.
The best thing was that my sister told me she had a dream the night before that she was sitting in first class and she met someone important, but she couldn't remember who. I just kinda said "Okay, that's nice" cause we were in a hurry. Then she told me she remembered, and it was Danny Elfman. I started laughing and said that if that came true, I'd faint, wake up, faint again, then freak out. Not long after she told me this, my dad came back with his ticket, which was somehow mistakenly (but not regrettably) assigned for a first class seat. Me, being the generous person I am.......snatched it out of his hands and said my little sister had a prophetic dream and I needed that seat. I didn't get it XP But whatever, we had fun. The inside joke was about Danny Elfman the whole time. And Carry-on/Carrion. My sister's reading the books in school, and she's telling my mom about them, too. She kees asking to borrow the second book from me, but I'm overly protective of books and won't let her have it ^.^;;;
My mom and I said that next time we should put old meat in our luggage, and when the security people ask what it's for, we'll answer "It's our carrion (carry-on)!"
Speaking of which.....
ME: *slides over to Carrion's Corner* Hello
CARRION: Good evening
ME: It's so far from being the evening
CARRION: But it sounds considerably nicer than "Good morning"
ME: Very true. No one should say "good morning" when it's pitch black out. Though that is a nice time of the night
ME: I wrote a LOT of the fic on the plane, and I'm so happy with almost all of it. The most recent part has a lot of editing, though. I have so many arrows and circles and scribbles on the paper already that it's making me dizzy just to glance at it. The turbulence got kinda nasty, too, and my demon pen kept dying randomly, so several of the words are really screwed up, such as boat, anxious, tavern, shouts, metal--
CARRION: Sounds lovely
ME: Ha. Ha.
Ha. There's more, though, mostly because of my horrible pen. I don't know why I didn't use a different pen, but the damn thing just kept dying. Bringing, slowly, slender, breath, both, jaw, kiss--
Why are all these words in there, dare I even ask?
ME: C-cause--*clears throat* Cause.......well, this is all from different parts of the fic. Some are scenes with just my character, some are with Letheo, some--
CARRION: I'm going to regret this, but which scene is the one with the word "kiss" in it?
ME: .......a flashback
ME: *jumps* Geez, don't
do that!
EMBER: Call you a liar?
ME:, you can do that, cause it's true
CARRION: You're proud of that, aren't you?
ME: I'm proud of being able to do it so well. It's not a crime to be proud of yourself. Anyway.....yeah
CARRION: Which scene is it really in?
ME: *sits on usual table and swings legs back and forth* It's not exactly a flashback. It's in a scene with me and a horse that I have on Gorgossium. Not exactly a horse, but whatever
EMBER: *doesn't accuse me of lying because, technically, it's true. the horse is present during the scene, anyway
CARRION: Oh. I see
ME: Uh huh. It's at the end, pretty much
CARRION: You're already writing the ending?
ME: I was in the mood to. There's still none of the beginning written, though, and considering I've decided to make this follow the plot of the next two books.......I'm limited with how much I can write right now.
ME: *smiles and pulls out journal to reread what she wrote on the plane*
CARRION: *cranes neck to see*
ME: *snaps journal closed* I'm so protective of my writing that I might actually throw something at you if you try and read it. Just so you know. And the nearest thing to me right now is a piano
CARRION: Good luck picking it up
ME: Thank you. I won't need it if you try reading my writing again. You can read some, if you want, as long as it isn't over my shoulder
CARRION: *shrugs* Why not?
ME: That was almost uncharacteristically good-natured of you *pulls out a few pages before handing journal to Carrion*
CARRION: *takes it and starts looking through it* Why did you rip those out?
ME: .....*folds them into perfect rectangles without even thinking about it* Just because
CARRION: *raises eyebrows*
ME: *sighs* Just because it's more personal than the rest, and I can't let you read it yet. I can put up some quotes from the fic so far, though
CARRION: *shrugs and starts reading*
ME: Alright. Here are some quotes, I guess.
This one is between Tara and Lazaru, a three-eyed servant of Carrion. She's cool in my fic, and I don't even know how that happened. I didn't mean to put so much of her character in here, but the writing makes itself happen. I just put it on the paper. This is pretty much at the end of the fic
TARA: I'll get rest eventually, when I have the time
LAZARU: It's Midnight. What better time is there?
TARA: None. Which is why I have to spend my time well, make it worthwhile. I'm trying not to waste time anymore
LAZARU: So why're you talking to me, then?
TARA: *laughs* Good point
I just realized these quotes aren't even that good, but they're all I've got to share right now before I type any of this up.
This one is Tara talking to her horse-like friend, Obelisk. He was created by Carrion to help Tara when she traveled, because he can run on water (convenient, since the Abarat consists of islands), and the two are almost inseperable. Tara's dialogue is her speaking with Obelisk, because.....well, she knows how. It's part of her own magic, anyway
OBELISK: *rushes over to Tara as she returns to Carrion's palace or mansion or whatever it is on Gorgossium*
TARA: Whoa, easy boy. Okay, good boy, easy. Easy. Alright, alright, calm down, I wasn't gone that long. I'm okay. No, really, I am! Of course I am! You're the one with the stone in his foot!
OBELISK: *continues neighing his happiness*
TARA: Can't even last thirty hours without me, can you?
OBELISK: *neighs something*
TARA: *looks surprised* Well,
I didn't miss you so much that I neighed the entire time I was gone!
OBELISK: *lowers head a little and puts on an innocent expression. nickers something*
TARA: Yes, you! Oh, don't even start. Lazaru already told me you were so loud that you kept her awake the whole time
CARRION: *standing in the doorway, looking a little tired* She wasn't the only one
TARA: *hands a bag of all kinds of stuff that she stole from Rojo Pixler to Carrion* Everything you wanted and more. Pixler thinks he's more untouchable than he really is. These plans and designs should've been in a vault somewhere, not lying around in a factory
CARRION: *looks through the bag briefly, then tosses it gently aside*
TARA: *slightly indignantly* There were breakables in there!
CARRION: *shrugs* They were Pixler's
Meh. Those were the only non-spoilerish quotes I could find for now. Whatever
At the risking of making the thread explode with this long long post, I'm going to put a little more conversation in here before going to bed
ME: *walks back over to Carrion and glances at journal* How much did you read?
CARRION: All of it
ME: *confused* So what are you reading now?
CARRION: There's a written conversation between you and your friend Rae in here about bread, sharks, hearts, Christmas parties.....
ME: *is laughing quietly to self* That was a funny conversation
CARRION: .....movies, board games, smiley faces, "Dancing All Night"--
ME: *grabs journal almost violently and hugs it* That was a while ago
CARRION: *looks amused*
ME: *flips through journal and looks at conversation. grimaces* There's some random stuff in there you probably didn't understand
CARRION: I think I understood enough
ME: Oh, get over yourself. Back to my it good so far?
CARRION: Your interpretation of Lazaru was interesting. I never thought she would have the role that she does
ME: That makes two of us
CARRION: I enjoyed the description of the zetheks, though. And your opinion of them, as well
ME: .......could you repeat that?
CARRION: I said I enjoyed your descriptions and opinion of zetheks.....
ME: Okay. Just making sure
CARRION: *rolls eyes* I didn't care much for the scene in the library--
ME: I figured that'd be your favorite
CARRION: It's obviously
your favorite. It's several pages long already
ME: But it's a scene we can all enjoy ^.^;;;
ME: Oh, c'mon. You know you liked it. My character's sad and in pain and she's self-induced an unnecessary feeling of humiliation upon herself
CARRION: .......if you wrote the way you spoke just then, this story might be better
ME: Look who's talking. You have run-on sentences in your poetry
CARRION: I don't write poetry
ME: But you speak it. "Witch, do this for me:"
ME: "Find me a moon made of longing."
upME: I was done. The rest is just ten lines of run-on. But it's not that bad, though. I personally have written better, but still. It made me feel sad. Kind of.
CARRION: Wonderful
ME: Yeah. I like the idea of the poem. Just not the way it's set up. If I messed around with it a little-
ME: I won't, I won't, I'm just saying *sits on table again* .......I think I'm getting too into my fanfic
CARRION: *folds arms and leans back against a wall or something* How so?
ME: .......will you get mad at me for mentioning it?
CARRION: *sighs* Just say it, whatever it is
ME: Well, I'm starting to not dislike Boa as much as before, for some reason. And I think she's pretty cool. But I'm not sure if that's just the Boa I have in my fic or the one in the original
CARRION: .......I couldn't say
ME: *small smile* And.......well, the thing is, in my fanfic, my character and Candy cross paths a lot. And they really hate each other. Tara hates Candy for reason she can't even name, and Candy hates Tara because all she seems to want to do is mock her and humiliate her and make her life in the Abarat hell
CARRION: Interesting
ME: And now I'm getting a little confused, because when my sister's telling me about how much she's read so far, she'll mention Candy and I'll think "Candy. She's kinda.......meh."
CARRION: *laughs*
ME: Well, it's
kinda true. She has a good personality, sort of. And her dialogue's good. But she gets away with too much stuff. I think Letheo is the only one capable of actually kidnapping her. And she has way way
way too many random epiphanies. I dunno. I somehow made her so loathable in my fanfic, and I'm afraid that if people read it they'll either get mad at me for making her seem so bratty or they'll become convinced that she really is like that, and she isn't my character to mess around with
CARRION: *mutters* Neither am I, but you're doing it anyway
ME: *grins* Well.......that's cause you're more interesting than Candy. Candy Quackenbush. For my character, that's just way too easy to make fun of. I already have a whole conversation set up for these two. Several, actually. Tara and Candy dialogue could get interesting.
CARRION: Entertaining at least
ME: Okay, I know you hate your grandmother, because everyone does. Even your grandfather, I'm sure. And I know you find me annoying, to say the least
CARRION: If you're trying to make a list of people I dislike, you'll be here a while
ME: I'm not, don't worry. So, since you dislike me and your grandmother, pretty much, what did you think of the scene where my character yells at Mater Motley and gets a needle to the face?
CARRION: .......I'm not sure. It was briefly satisfying to see someone else yell at my grandmother...
ME: I'm sure it was
CARRION: It almost surprised me to see her attack, though. I wasn't entirely expecting that
ME: Really? Cool
CARRION: I'm not sure how I felt overall about it, though
ME: So.......same goes for the library scene, huh?
CARRION: That was less of a surprise
ME: Oh. Why?
CARRION: Because you're being a little predictable by making yourself the victim
ME: I don't have the right to make anyone else the victim
CARRION: *shrugs*
ME: *looks at clock* Huh. 1:23. I didn't think it was this late
CARRION: Or this early
ME: It all depends on your point of view *yawns*
CARRION: Go to bed if you're tired
ME: I'm not tired. I've been travelling since 7:30 yesterday morning. How could I be tired?
CARRION: .......please go to bed?
ME: Oh, you don't want me gone this badly and you know it
CARRION: No, I really think I do
ME: Whatever *sits on top of piano and writes more*
CARRION: .......
ME: .....*looks up* Go ahead, ask
CARRION: *rolls eyes* What are you writing?
ME: Stuff *goes back to writing*
CARRION: More specifically
ME: The fanfiction
CARRION: How surprising. What, in particular?
ME: More of the ending
CARRION: I won't ask...
ME: *grins* I think Liz's overall idea (or hope) for the fanfic is growing on me. But I'm letting you know right now that I didn't force anything in here. It all kind of came out on its own. That's how my writing goes. It writes itself. Take my other story, for instance. I had no idea Mori would know Ember before the League. Tides and Hazel hated each other and were so nasty, and they ended up being one of my favorite couples ever. I added two characters out of the blue because Rae wanted me to. The angelic-looking character is cold and distant and bitter, and the hooded demon with fangs is the most upbeat and spontaneous character in the story. I started off thinking Never and Skine were gonna end up together, and that took quite a spin I couldn't ever have seen coming. And--
CARRION: *annoyed* I get it. Thank you
ME: Sorry, I was on a roll. What were we talking about?
CARRION: *shrugs*
ME: Alright, cool *closes journal and eyes*
CARRION: *watches me for a minute*
ME: *with eyes still closed* Okay, so I
am a little tired. No need to stare
CARRION: *glares*
ME: *opens eyes and grins* You'd be tired if you had the day I had. What's really funny is that we got to our plane in the biggest rush, because it was gonna take off any second. Then they delayed the flight for a half hour or so because they were having trouble with luggage. Kind of strange, huh?
ME: *yawns and leans back against wall. rests feet on piano keys*
BB#4: Hey! I gotta play that thing!
ME: Oh, calm down. This is the first time I've even worn these sandals, and I brought 'em to Belize. I wore sneakers the whole time. Again, kinda strange
BB#4: *rolls eye sockets and shakes head*
ME: *cuffs up pants a few times and holds arm against leg* Amazing. I didn't get a tan. Again.
CARRION: *shrugs* You didn't get burned, either
ME: But I didn't get a tan
CARRION: It could be worse
ME: What, I could be paler? I don't think so. My arms got maybe, just
maybe a little tan. My hands got more tanned than my legs did XP
CARRION: Why do you even care?
ME: A lot of reasons. I go to these places and when I get back people don't believe me, because I'm still as white as ever. And it's just the frustrating fact that I can't get a tan, even if I want to. I hate being 99.9 percent Irish sometimes
CARRION: What's the 0.1 percent?
ME: Welsh
ME: *focuses on un-cuffing pants to try and hide smile*
CARRION: It's 1:45. Shouldn't you be leaving now?
ME: Do I always leave at 1:45?
CARRION: No, but--
ME: Then I may as well stay
CARRION: --you should already be gone
ME: I was gone all week. You'll survive putting up with me for a night
CARRION: That doesn't mean I'll enjoy it.....
ME: Actually, it means you don't have to admit it
CARRION: You don't like to lose, do you?
ME: No. Does anyone?
CARRION: *shrugs*
ME: *taps feet together and starts singing quietly*
I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend
And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be....... *yawns again*
CARRION: .....interesting choice
ME: *looks surprised* Huh? Oh, I didn't choose it. iTunes is on shuffle
ME: This next song has a better beat, but it's missing an accordion.
Can I start things over and change your mind?
Can a single melody press rewind?
Can I move your feet?
Make your heart skip a beat?
Can a simple tune flow through you?
When the music feels like this
When you lose control, you gotta go with it
Ten feet high
Flyin above the sky
Your problems don't exist
When the music feels like this
No money left in Africa
Starvin to death in Bosnia
We close our eyes and hide, a nation cries
And in the west
TV possessed and weight obsessed
The media dissects, infects
We think real life is reality TV
Can I have your attention and press rewind?
When the DJ spins, will it change your mind?
Can I move your feet?
Make your heart skip a beat?
Can a piece of me flow through you? I don't feel like singing the rest. Rae and I usually sing that together cause it's hard to sing all at once
CARRION: Fascinating
ME: I think my favorite lines are "We close our eyes and hide, a nation cries" because of the music right there and just the way the words flow. I also like "Can I move your feet? Make your heart skip a beat?" for the same reasons
CARRION: Again, fascinating
ME: Not remotely *yawns. again*
CARRION: Why can't you just go to bed?
ME: Because I'm having fun. Can you tell? This conversation's longer than my plane ride to Boston was
CARRION: I don't doubt that
ME: *smiles* But I'll let you go now. I'm sure you have better things to do than sit in a corner and listen to me, such as sitting in a corner by yourself. Though I must say I'm impressed. You've done a lot of talking this evening/morning/night.
CARRION: Have I? That's odd
ME: Well, you're odd yourself, y'know. And it's probably just the need to talk because I haven't been around all week ^.^;;;
CARRION: If I agree with that statement, will you leave any faster?
ME: Yes. But I could be lying. I don't even know. I'm gonna go anyway. I've been through a bit of a hellish day, and I need sleep. There's nothing like a two-hour time difference to completely throw you off, even though it's so small
CARRION: The Abarat is so much more convenient
ME: In that sense. Kind of. Well, if that's where you've grown up, then of course it's more convenient. I've lived in the Hereafter all my life, so I'm much more used to it
CARRION: Fair enough
ME: Alright. It's 2:00 and even my brother's going to bed. I'll be back on later today, though. Just need a few hours of sleep, I guess
CARRION: Get more than that, and please don't hurry back
ME: You're right. I have more fanfiction to write
CARRION: *groans*
ME: Oh, it isn't all bad. I mean, there's a touch of fluff here and there, but overall it's a pretty serious and dark-ish fanfic. Don't get me wrong, there's awesome dialogue and humor and stuff, too, but the tone of it is pretty dark
CARRION: Most of it takes place on Gorgossium, doesn't it?
ME: Yeah, and it's centered around the villain character. So that's understandable, I guess. Man, even the inner workings of Commexo City are dark as dark can be in my fic. I dunno why, but all of a sudden I had this urge to write more about Commexo City, so that'll be a portion, too. I spent a lot of the trip in Belize traveling on planes and in cars for hours at a time, so I listened to music, mostly from soundtracks, and created all these scenes to go along with them to help me with my fic and stories in general. It really helped, actually. I have a lot of material
CARRION: I suggest you go sleep on it
ME: *sly grin* You know, you're commenting an awful lot about me going to bed--
CARRION: You're sick
ME: *looks pleased* Wow. That's a compliment coming from you
CARRION: Not always
You're the one who laughed when someone killed his own brother because of a fake rumor you started, and you feed old rotten meat to vultures, and you told Candy she'd be "buried underneath the snow, small and blue and dead"
CARRION: It had a nice flow to it
ME: One of your better threats. Much better than "If you ever say
anything to my grandmother about my bad dreams. . .your life will
become one."
CARRION: *shrugs* It was effective
ME: I guess *looks at clock and yawns again* Alright, I'm leaving now
CARRION: Good idea. I wish I'd thought of that
ME: *laughs* That was kinda funny. It was something I'd say, anyway *leaves journal on table* You can read anything I haven't torn out of there, if you want
CARRION: That'll be the same time that Gorgossium sees a sunrise
ME: *small smile* Okay. Good night
ME: *walks out, yawning*
CARRION: .......*picks up journal and starts looking through it*
(Ugh. Sorry, everyone. That was probably my longest post ever at the worst time of day/night/evening. Forgive me for all those typos that must be in there. I don't look at the screen when I type, my fingers are frozen because it's 40 degrees or less over here, I'm really tired, and I haven't typed in over a week. I know, excuses, excuses, but hey, what can ya do?
I'll see someone later on today. I dunno who, but I'll definitely see someone. That'd just be wrong if I didn't. Good night, and good luck reading that post and keeping whatever sanity you have!)