damn, Squish, I thought you were serious. I freaked out about that. Not even jokingly, I got really depressed when I read it *breathes huge sigh of relief*
Hm.....I feel like writing a big long super-huge conversation that'll eat up the half-hour it should take Liz to get back. Lessee.......
ME: *picks Astrum up and puts him back on arm*
ASTRUM: *curls up*
ME: *smiles* For a nightmare, you're uncharacteristically adorable
ASTRUM: *coils up tighter*
ME: *sits on the table again and crosses legs pretzel-style (like I always do. even if I'm sitting on a chair at school). rests arm on leg*
CARRION: *walks back over*
ME: Hey. How's it goin?
CARRION: *shrugs*
ME: Still upset about the story, huh?
CARRION: I'd rather not think about it
ME: Good choice. Here *extends arm*
CARRION: *holds out hand*
ASTRUM: *lifts his "head" and goes back to Carrion*
ME: *smiles* Thanks again
CARRION: *doesn't reply. puts Astrum back in his collar*
ME: .......y'know, Mendelson's one of your most adorable henchmen
CARRION: .......
what?ME: Is that annoying to hear?
CARRION: It's.....unusual...
ME: *looks disappointed* So it isn't annoying?
CARRION: *shakes head*
ME: What if I only went on about how adorable Mendelson was?
CARRION: That would get annoying, yes
ME: Sweet *puts a check mark next to that on the list*
CARRION: *notices list* What's that
ME: .....*slowly puts it behind back* Nuthin.....
CARRION: *decides to ignore that*
ME: Are you sure you didn't see Letheo anywhere?
ME: Well.......would he be okay? When did he last have the green thuaz? Would he be able to get it himself if he needs it? How close is he to transforming? Does he--
EnoughME: .......well?
CARRION: I don't need to answer any of those questions
ME: Fine. I'll just have to go there myself sometime and see
CARRION: Have fun. And say hello to the mantizacs for me
ME: Ha. Ha.
Ha. For your information, mantizacs don't scare me
CARRION: They would if you were in the water with them
ME: Well, then I won't go in the water with them. It's a very simple solution
ME: .........I'm having trouble with the fanfic
CARRION: Should I care?
ME: I guess. You're one of the main characters, after all
CARRION: *sighs* What's wrong?
ME: I dunno. I still can't figure out the ending, and I have a lot of ideas for the middle. The thing is, I know I'll need to revise what I have, but it's all worded so carefully that if I change one thing, I'll have to change the rest. It's not like revising a poem, which is easier, because they have lines and they're easier to visualize
CARRION: I wouldn't know
ME: Yes you would. "Witch, do this for me: Find me a moon made of longing. Then cut it sliver thin--"
CARRION: *agitated* Okay
ME: .......for the record, I can write poetry better than you can
CARRION: *more agitated* I wasn't exactly trying
ME: .....*grins* Are you annoyed yet?
ME: *pulls out list and writes something down. puts it away before Carrion can ask about it* So, anyway, the endings. I have seven so far, and I'll probably be adding more, but.....yeah. I'll probably involve Tria in one or two of them, now that I think of it
ME: The girl with Candy and Malingo and Geneva and Hob--
CARRION: *more annoyed* Alright
ME: .......anyway, her. She'll probably be included
ME: You'll just have to wait and see
CARRION: *rolls eyes*
Thanks *faints from the effort*
If I only had a heart..........most of the time I'm the only wheel
EMBER: Thanks. Could've been better; I haven't really sung in a while
Temporarily depressed me, actually