Post by midnightkat91 on Jan 21, 2006 12:31:17 GMT -5
Post by Moonlight on Jan 21, 2006 12:43:56 GMT -5
Friction, harmony.... who is gonna ride with me....?
XDD I love this song... And that's funny, Kat ^^
Post by Lauren on Jan 21, 2006 12:45:41 GMT -5
Hehe. Oddness: Everytime you talk to Willy, I imagine him as the one from the first movie. Yeah... *listens to This is Halloween* I need to check out Oingo sometimes. I looked them up on iTunes last night and they actually had them. ;D
Post by sojuske on Jan 21, 2006 12:50:06 GMT -5
Yup, they have all the albums on itunes. ^_^ Thats where you should get teh good for your soul album, cause on amazon it costs $50. And that was funny kat and jem, you saying that was also funny. "Who wants to take a chance on a piece of abstract reality, huh. It's only just a dance. Won't you come and ride with the Elevator Man?"
Post by Moonlight on Jan 21, 2006 12:50:32 GMT -5
I get all my Boingo songs from iTunes ;D ... except for Elevator Man, Glory Be, Good For Your Soul, and Just Another Day (and Little Girls, I haven't checked that out yet) those songs I got from Sharon b/c she rocks XD
Post by sojuske on Jan 21, 2006 12:58:15 GMT -5
Jem, did you say what kind of treats you were using for your experiment before? Cause I'm wondering what kind. (and whether they are edible... for humans that is)
Post by Lauren on Jan 21, 2006 13:00:06 GMT -5
HUZZAH! lol, so random. ;D
Kat (and anyone else), what's your DA account? I need to find everyone over there (hehe).
Post by midnightkat91 on Jan 21, 2006 13:02:59 GMT -5
heres my account ^-^ midnightkat91.deviantart.com/i've uploaded 4 whole pictures ... whoo hoo 9-9 i need to upload more... its just, i'm not too good at descriptions... >.<
Post by sojuske on Jan 21, 2006 13:09:25 GMT -5
That's mine. Nothing good on there though.
Post by midnightkat91 on Jan 21, 2006 13:22:34 GMT -5
hey, you guys! i just made a fan bar for 80's danny elfman :3 here it is: i'm gonna put it in me siggy ^-^ if you peoples wanna use it, please credit me ^-^ because if you dont credit me ... i shall send timmy the posessed squirrel after you bwahaha >:3
Post by Lauren on Jan 21, 2006 13:25:16 GMT -5
Mine's bookmistress.deviantart.com
And yours isn't bad! At least you have things...unlike myself. Hehe. Must put my story on there eventually. *prays for a snow day*
Post by sojuske on Jan 21, 2006 13:40:21 GMT -5
kat, the eyes... oooh, the eyes....
And I'll be watching you then eh?
Post by midnightkat91 on Jan 21, 2006 13:42:20 GMT -5
eyes? what eyes O.o... ? the ones in my fan bar?
Post by Lauren on Jan 21, 2006 13:47:42 GMT -5
*watches* Muhaha. XD
Ack, my hand's going cold. This happens everytime I'm online for more than a half hour...let's see then...ah. It's been an hour and 41 minutes. *laughs*
Post by EbonyStar on Jan 21, 2006 13:52:12 GMT -5
*runs in* SYNTHESIS IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! *goes psycho* Okay, I'm done. Everybody, Synthesis is, for this semester, OVER!!! There was way too much stuff to share. One girl dropped the f-wrd 3 tmes in her "poised, polished, practiced" Scholars' Circle presentation. Twice in a quote, once on her own. Not the best idea....... According to everyone, I did really well, with my presentation and with the two plays I was in. We had to decorate the room we were giving presentations in, so my friend and I (and our English.Literature/Spanish teacher) went on a fake tree hunt. We got two fake trees and carried em down two flights of stairs, then we stole a huge thing of flowers and stuck em in a corner. When I was giving my 3 minute presentation on Gandhi, I heard I did really well, and I didn't stutter or say 'Um' a lot. This one kid I hardly even know who's done this Scholars' Circle a bunch of times came up to me and said I did really well, and he was impressed. Twas cool But in the middle of the question session after my quick presentation, one kid asked if Gandhi's daughter was a tyrant (he claimed to have heard that somewhere). I didn't know how to answer, and a bunch of people laughed, because the question sounded so ridiculous, but there was an Indian kid in the Scholars' Circle, and his dad started answering the question. He was just giving out all this info, and I just kinda stood there and smiled. The kid (Shan) started sinking lower in his seat and glancing around, and our music teacher, who's also half-Indian, started saying something to Shan, whose dad just kept on talking. My teacher started laughing, and Shan just grinned and shook his head. The thing is, they were recording the whole Synthesis Scholars' Circle, and the camera just stayed on me the whole time Shan's dad was talking, so if we go back and watch the tape, all it'll be for about one straight minute is this man with a thick Indian accent completely saving me from not knowing the answer to a question while I stand there, not knowing what I should do and trying not to laugh ^.^ Anyway, yeah. I think that's most of it *looks at all the Danny talk about Little Girls, Insanity, and Wild Sex* You guys are crazy Ugh. Gotta go shopping for Montreal. I'll be on later, hopefully!