Post by sojuske on Jan 20, 2006 17:32:56 GMT -5
Well the song really is about how high level executives always get into relationships with younger women, around 18 years old, but sometimes the relationships get even younger, to about 17 or below. However he wrote it in such a way that it looks like he's talking about him being a pedophile who loves little girls cause they "make [him] feel so good"
Post by Moonlight on Jan 20, 2006 17:34:29 GMT -5
Ohh... hehehehe, okay, then ^^;;;;;
Post by sojuske on Jan 20, 2006 17:35:28 GMT -5
It's a fun song though. But wrong. I mean, I sing it, and my friends start attacking me. They attack me during nothing to fear too. You guys have that song? If not I shall up it.
Post by midnightkat91 on Jan 20, 2006 17:36:12 GMT -5
* comes in * hey, peoples how you guys doing? * glomps everyone 8 i'm quite giddy, because i dont have to write the science final X3 go me ;D * sits down beside liz * hello, liz. i read youre " little girls " post... heh, i think thats one of the first oingo boingo songs i heard.9 i'm guessing its the... third.... yep ^-^ ).. i have the vid on me computer( as well as 5 other oingo boingo videos )... its much better quality than the one on youtube ^-^ yep * gets out tabitha ( my sketchbook , i named it ^-^;; ) and starts drawing my newest charechter, Aleira ( a fox with blue-grey fur )* heh, my new years resolution is to carry a sketchbook wherever i go, for the whole year ^-^ so far, i havent broken it teh wootishness ^.^ EDITNESS: i watched that nothing to fear performance on youtube... when danny sings the line " or perhaps a little kiss " line, he does this pelvic thrust like thing... yeah...
Post by Liz on Jan 20, 2006 17:36:41 GMT -5
Seriously? damn...I never would have caught that. Like I said, I suck at analyzing stuff. XP
;D And that's the way we like it.
Hey there, Kat. XD Glad you like the song too.
Post by Moonlight on Jan 20, 2006 17:37:08 GMT -5
No I don't XP err... I can check it out though. Probably won't buy it.
Post by Lauren on Jan 20, 2006 17:43:00 GMT -5
*laughs* Such random thoughts. *waits unpatiently for the other 14 songs that I just bought to load* Stupid compy. Of course, having dial up doesn't really help. Hehe.
Post by sojuske on Jan 20, 2006 17:46:02 GMT -5
I love the nothing to fear vid.. But you know, he lip synched it. They didn't want him to do anything... unbecoming for the air. So instead he thrusted on national tv. Ah, well, you can't get everything you want out of him can you? Where did you get the vid? youtube? Did anyone buy the insanity vid off itunes?
Post by Moonlight on Jan 20, 2006 17:48:32 GMT -5
I gotta split GAHH!!!
Cya later!!
BB#4: Cya, Jem. ME: *kisses his cheek bone* Err... bye!
Post by Liz on Jan 20, 2006 17:49:04 GMT -5
After watching a video of a live performance of We Close Our Eyes and the Dead Man's Party music video, I have come to the conclusion that Danny is the worst lip-syncher ever.
Oy...*slaps forehead* Danny, Danny, Danny...
I know that's right.
Bye Jem!
Post by Lauren on Jan 20, 2006 17:49:16 GMT -5
Danny revenge...muhaha. DANNY: *blushes*
Post by midnightkat91 on Jan 20, 2006 17:49:43 GMT -5
8 looks to see if theres anybody here who works for teh law * >.> <.< heh, good old morpheus... 8 hugs teh downloading program * lurve it ^-^ it gets me teh shtuff ( yes, i meant to spell stuff that way ^-^ )that i cant get from itunes ... and other stuff that i can get from itunes ... eh heh ^-^
bye, jem! * waves *
Post by Lauren on Jan 20, 2006 17:52:20 GMT -5
*doesn't work for the law* Works for me. Although my lab partner yelled at me for using the legal way. So ironic. Anywho...yeah. ;D
Post by sojuske on Jan 20, 2006 17:52:43 GMT -5
Actually. Danny's a pretty good lip syncher. Youtube screws up at times though with the video and sound. Watch things closely, you can't really tell too much. I actually didn't get that he lipsynched nothing to fear until I heard the album version and it was -exactly- the same. And then my friend told me that whole story. *laughs* See you Jem And I don't work for the law. Although I did want to be a lawyer... I break the law too much do that though myself. *laughs*
Post by Lauren on Jan 20, 2006 17:56:27 GMT -5
Hehe. I must go change out of my school clothes and into my clothes for PEP BAND! <3